Parashat Vayishlach - Genesis 32:3-36:43 - "Abraham's Tent" - Weekly D'var Torah From Rabbi John Ludemann
By Rabbi John Ludemann, BTh. This week we follow a famous and often misunderstood story from the Bible. We meet up with Jacob as he is about to return home to his father Isaac’s house some 34 years after he had taken the Birthright from Esau his brother (Genesis 32:4-36:43). We begin with Jacob sending “Angels” to Esau to appease his brother in advance of Jacob’s return. The word translated as “Angels” in Genesis 32:4 is “Melechim” which can mean “princes” or “great men”. So, it is less an angelic host than a set of emissaries to impress upon Esau of Jacob’s wealth and might and to dissuade Esau from thinking his “nerdy brother” would be an easy target. Jacob’s emissaries come back with a disturbing report - not only was Esau coming to “greet” Jacob, but Esau had amassed 400 men (warriors) (Genesis 32:7). In light of this news, Jacob does what every good military leader does in this instance. He splits his forces into two camps and creates wha...